New Book: On-Call Heroes by Dr. Scott Hagan

Heroes come in all shapes and sizes: a firefighter, police officer, health professional, or an inner-city school counselor are just a few. Other find themselves in the eye of the storm - causing them to risk their lives for a complete stranger because in a heroes eyes, everyone is their neighbor. 

Only $20

Building Leaders of Courage & Clarity.

Led by Scott Hagan, Ph.D., Level Best convenes top leaders from the fields of education, business, sports, government, and the church. Designed as a small online 90-day learning cohort, the Level Best Plan will introduce you to Five key words that will dynamically enhance your leadership approach to well-being, culture, and organizational drive.

"Level Best is about helping you foster a unique mindset for problem solving, understanding your environment, and seeing the future with accuracy."

How Does Level Best Work?

About Scott Hagan, Ph.D

Scott Hagan is a well-loved communicator who has been speaking professionally for over 35 years. His insights on leadership, relationships, and organizational culture have helped scores of top executives, organizations, and churches achieve new levels of clarity and momentum. Thousands of leaders from all over the world have found Scott’s ideas on leadership to be highly effective.


Five Characteristics

of Level Best Leadership




